Saturday, June 19, 2010

Lazy Saturday

Whenever I have a three day weekend (like this weekend!), I usually take one day to just kind of vegetate and do little of anything. It's a great way to recharge. Heck if the vegetables out in the field can kick back and do nothing then so can I! Besides, this is one of the hottest days of the year and this northern girl does not like heat so today seemed like the best day to relax.

Mike on the other hand was up at 5am to get ready and head off for a morning of selling at the Peninsula Farmer's Market. (It's the one on Riverview Rd. for those of you following the link.) Mike is joined by Steve Prochko from Covered Bridge Gardens. Steve's parents Mick and Kay Prochko work the Farmer's Market at Shaker Square on Saturday mornings. Mike said that he and Steve had a good market today. That is good for early season when there isn't a whole lot of produce to sell yet.

I on the other hand got to sleep in until 6:15am. That was pure heaven. Morning animal chores were leisurely. The baby meat chicks are out on pasture now and the little tractor that I use to haul feed and water is broken. That means using the wheelbarrow and making two trips. I will be so happy when the tractor gets back from the shop. The babies sure don't look too much like babies anymore. They are just over 4 weeks old now and fully feathered. In a future blog, I will put up a series of pictures to show how fast they grow.

This afternoon I took a walk back to see the fields. I actually have been really busy and have not had time to see all the work the guys have been putting forth. The onions are starting to be harvested and sold at market. Early blueberries are days away from being picked. The boys put up the netting this week to keep the birds out. We have about 135 blueberry bushes total. They are probably about 4-5 years old and just starting to produce enough to get a decent harvest for market. I picked about a cupful of berries to make blueberry pancakes for Sunday breakfast.
The early sweet corn is about a half a foot high. Sorry how washed out the photo looks, but for some reason I walked back there in the heat of the day with the sun beating down from high in the sky.

Some of the plastic is laid and awaiting the vegetables that get planted here. These are the veggies and fruits that are raised in flats in the greenhouse. Tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, watermelon, cantaloupe and probably some others that I have missed. The guys will plant some seeds on plastic too. Squash and cucumbers come to mind.

But much of the field has just been fitted and is waiting for the plastic mulch to be laid. Looks dry doesn't it. Well it hasn't been and that is why planting is so far behind.

That's about all that is happening on this lazy Saturday. Tomorrow will be a full day of something? on the farm.

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