There is not one day that goes by that I don't count my blessings for what I have. Most days are very ordinary. They are filled with tasks that get repeated over and over. You see the same people you see every day. I treasure those days. My life is blessed with good times and good people. But on the opposite side of all that, there are life's extraordinary days. These are days filled with new things. New people. New adventures. And Mike and I had one of those days last Friday.
I am a huge fan of the Zac Brown Band. It all started when I saw them play a live show a little over a year ago and I was dragged under hook, line and sinker. I love their music of course, but being a fan of theirs has opened doors to meeting so many wonderful people. One of those people is Chef Rusty Hamlin who travels with the band on the road and prepares their food.
Well, not only does he prepare food for the band, but he also creates exquisite meals for a fan experience known as an "eat and greet". Zac Brown (who is also a chef himself) is always thinking outside the box and thinking of great new ways to interact with the fans. So he started these eat and greets where fans can have dinner before the show and the entire band eats and mingles along with them. It is a very cool experience. Zac and Chef Rusty are also big supporters of local farmers and try to buy as much of their food from the local farmers as they can. The menu is adjusted as to what is in season at the time. I first met Chef Rusty when I attended an eat and greet at a show in Fort Wayne, IN last month. It was there I talked to him about having Peters Creek Farm provide produce for the tour stop in Cleveland on August 20th. So a couple weeks before last Friday's show, we traded some emails and phone calls and finalized the details.
Up at 5am to do poultry chores. Every once in awhile Mike will take extra produce to sell over at the Geauga Growers Produce Auction in Middlefield and since the auction is pretty much on the way to Blossom Music Center where the concert was being held, it seemed a good idea to stop there too.
I am a huge fan of the Zac Brown Band. It all started when I saw them play a live show a little over a year ago and I was dragged under hook, line and sinker. I love their music of course, but being a fan of theirs has opened doors to meeting so many wonderful people. One of those people is Chef Rusty Hamlin who travels with the band on the road and prepares their food.
The adventure actually began on Thursday. I got home from work around 6pm. The boys had already picked the golden zucchini and cherry tomatoes that had been ordered. Mike had picked some cucumbers and green bell peppers. After chicken chores, we headed out to the field around 7:30pm to finish. I picked all the Swiss chard and Mike picked the sweet corn and cabbage and we finished at 9pm as it was getting dark. We drove everything over to Covered Bridge Gardens to sort, pack and store in their walk-in cooler. We then picked up few things in town and made it home in time for our customary work late on the farm 10pm dinner. I made 2 dozen blueberry muffins from berries from our farm and finally made it to bed at 1am.
The auction is right in the heart of Geauga County and serves lots of local farmers including the large local Amish community. It is very cool to see all the boxes of produce being lined up and delivered. When Giant Eagle or the other grocery stores advertise "locally grown", this is where they get some of their produce. The smells in the air from all the fresh vegetables are wonderful.
Then off we drove to Blossom Music Center in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. We actually beat the tour buses there by about a half hour, but soon they were there and we were able to drive our truck to the back stage parking area. Here is a picture of Mike standing next to our truck with 2 (out of 4) of the Zac Brown Band's tour buses in the background. Chef Rusty and his sous chef Josh Prichard met us in the parking lot and then they hopped in a golf cart and we followed them over to the area where the eat and greet was being set up.
From left to right:
Mike Hiener, Josh Prichard, Chef Rusty Hamlin, Diane Hiener
It was quite the cool experience for me to be driving around Blossom Music Center in the middle of the day in the farm truck. I spent quite a few nights watching concerts at Blossom in my teens and early 20's. I couldn't help but reminisce back to the days when you could take coolers packed with dinner and drinks and sit on the lawn and enjoy. Those days are gone, but the mystique is still there for me.
Mike and I finished our produce delivery and headed home. I only had 45 minutes to change clothes, hop in my car and pick up my friend Sue and head back to Blossom for the eat and greet and then the show. Unfortunately Mike could not make the show because he had to get ready for the Peninsula Farmers Market on Saturday morning. Sue and I met up with my niece Sarah and her friend Kevin at the gate area. The eat and greet started at 5pm and when we got there, all the food was beautifully laid out on a buffet style table. Here a few more shots of the magic that Chef Rusty created with the Peters Creek Farm produce.
The four of us had a great time at the eat and greet. The food was gourmet and so very very delicious. We got to shake hands with half of the band members who were there right at the beginning (the others showed up later) and Zac came over to our table toward the end to thank me for the produce and say hi. But our adventure did not end there. After dinner, we spent two hours working for the Soldier's Angels booth by walking the crowd and collecting postcards written to soldiers who are overseas serving our country. The campaign is called Letters for Lyrics and is also sponsored by Dodge Ram Trucks. When someone would write a postcard to a soldier, we would give them a free Zac Brown Band CD. That was fun!
But the adventure was still not over. I had purchased tickets through the fan club and to help cut down on scalping, the tickets had to be picked up by the purchaser at the will call window the day of the show. I had no idea where our seats were until we got to Blossom. Turns out we had front row seats. How awesome is that! I had never sat front row for a concert ever. We missed the opening acts because of the Letters for Lyrics work, but no matter, Zac Brown Band played for nearly 3 hours. I have seen these guys play a few times before and each time they just seem to get better and better. If you missed the show review in the Cleveland Plain Dealer you can find it here.
So here ends my extraordinarily long blog about my extraordinary day last Friday. There are so many other great details that I left out. This really could go on forever. Let's just say that lots of great memories were made that day.
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